Pinterest – pros/cons, do’s/dont’s

Thanks to all who gave me your views on Pinterest. I have tried to summarise the points below. I shall start with the POSITIVES:

  • You can pin things craft ideas, patterns and inspirations you like all in one place thus being able to find them easily at a later date.
  • It is very inspiring
  • You can pin your own patterns and tutorials which can be good for business.
  • You can do short micro blogs on projects that you have tried.
  • It is a buzz when you see pictures that you have pinned re-pinned.
  • You can gain lots of visitors to you blog from it.
  • It can brighten up a boring day.
  • You can use it to work collaboratively with someone else – each adding their own ideas and inspirations.
  • You can build your brand identity with it.
  • You can support and help others with it.

Now for the NEGATIVES:

  • The time that it can occupy – ‘it is the biggest time suck of all social media’

Yes there really is only one negative. It is put in a few different ways but that is the long and short of it. The biggest bit of advice is to set yourself a time limit.

THE VERDICT:I do think that I will give it a go. I shall set myself some time limits and go from there.

What about the etiquette?

Whilst writing this it occurred to me that I would have no idea about the etiquette required when using it. I have done a bit of research and this is what I have come up with:

  • Link back to the original sources.
  • Organise your boards carefully.
  • Report spammers
  • If using google images still make sure you find out where it came from so you can link to it.
  • Don’t pin everything – 40 images an hour is too much!
  • Put your pin into context using captions and headings. This will also help your pins be found.
  • You do not have to follow everyone who follows you (although another site suggests that it is polite to do so.)
  • Think about the quality of the pictures that you are pinning. Go for high quality every time.
  • Don’t re-post screen shots from Facebook and twitter.
  • Share interesting, quality items.
  • Show consideration for your followers – don’t pin offensive images.
  • Respect other people’s intellectual property! Be aware of copywrite.
  • Skip the sales pitch. If you audience is interested they will click-through (no full recipes)
  • Allow others to pin your work (blogs etc).
  • Engage and interact with others.
  • Comment on other boards.
  • Think about when and how you pin pictures
  • Be yourself – your boards should tell a story about you and your interests.
  • For every pin you make of your work allow 5-6 of pins that are not your original.

Do you have any that I have missed?


Pinterest Etiquette

Pinterest Etiquette (different from the first I promise!)

Pinterest Etiquette – rules to follow

Pinterest Etiquette (again)

20 thoughts on “Pinterest – pros/cons, do’s/dont’s

  1. lovetartan

    I think your post is really good. I personally don’t follow everyone who follows me only those who pin things that interest me. I also don’t repin everything I like only the things I really really like – sometimes I just click the ‘like’ button on a pin as opposed to repin. Totally agree about it being a big time consumer – you can totally lose yourself for ages!

  2. lovelucie1

    Great post. I have been using Pinterest for a while now but I need to get my own work posted on there and link it back to my blog. I have put this on my ‘must do this weekend’ list. Thanks for the prompt!

  3. Truly Myrtle

    I’m back 😉
    Yip, it’s a MASSIVE time suck. I come and and go from Pinterest.
    I had to laugh at your second point – organise your boards carefully. Mine are a total shambles! But the time to sort them out??! Ain’t going to happen anytime soon 🙂

  4. Hannah

    Good post! I think you’ve about nailed it there! 🙂 I’ve found recently as I’ve been feeling not like creating as much its a good resource to o back to and go through old pins to help rekindle the old creative fire 🙂

  5. feelgoodknitting

    I think you pretty much covered it! I haven’t really found that Pinterest draws people to my blog or designs, but that’s really not what I use it for anyway. It’s definitely fun though!

  6. Agothtale

    I haven’t tried it yet, really afraid it might take me too much time ! But the concept sounds interesting…

  7. Jodiebodie

    I haven’t found a way to rearrange pins once I have them on a board. It would be nice to be able to do that. I find Pinterest a bit clumsy for moving pins from one board to another and slow (contributing to time suck). It will not replace my notebooking software; e.g. Evernote, Onenote; but it is handy to have an online space for sharing pictorial ideas like a visual bookmarking program.


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