2012 – an amazing year…

I have had an amazing year! This time last year I had not really heard about blogging, had fairly negative views on social media and had never, ever heard of knitting and crocheting with wire.

Now I cannot imagine life without social media. I have ‘met’ some amazing people who have very much helped me develop and expand my skills. A Happy New Year to each and everyone who has visited my blog, read some of the ramblings, taken the time to comment and generally be very lovely. It is all really appreciated.

This year in summary:

Feb: I bought a book and had a go at making jewellery by knitting and crocheting wire.

March: I took my first few tentative steps into the blog and social media world.

Fast forward a few months:

1. I have had 7,993 visitors to my blog. (Averaging out at 26 visitors per day although I started off with 8 visits in March and have got to 40 in December!)

2. I have written 113 posts.

3. I have an amazing 87 followers on WordPress and 26 on Hellocotton – that adds up to 113. Wow, thank you so much to each and everyone.

5. I have 170 followers on Twitter.

6. I have 36 likes on Facebook.

A couple of other highlights include:

1. I made and sold 3 bracelets to order.

2. I did a guest post for Claire from the amazing blog Claireabellemakes.

3. I took part in a blog hop and hosted a giveaway in celebration of the launch of the Make and Craft Magazine.

4. I took part in the knitting and Crochet Blog week where I had to post a blog every day for a week!

It really has been the most amazing year for me and I have enjoyed it all. I again wish to thank you all because without your time and input it would not have been anywhere near as enjoyable. THANK YOU :).

Now I am supposed to write down some goals for this coming year but I am going to revel in 2012 for a bit longer. I wish you all a very happy and successful 2013. 🙂

Now, for the final time this year I am going to link up with Wendy over at Handmade Harbour. She has also had an amazing year and I am looking forward to reading everyone else’s summaries too – fancy joining me?

15 thoughts on “2012 – an amazing year…

  1. Wendy

    Wow – how amazing is it that so much happens seemingly all at once? It’s hard to believe you hadn’t heard of crocheting with wire this time last year, as your wire designs are amazing! I’m also leaving my 2013 list until 2013 is actually here!! Happy new year! 🙂

  2. Alison

    What an amazing year you’ve had. I couldn’t believe that you’d only started using wire this year. I think you designs are wonderful. I’m looking forward to seeing what happens next year. All the best for the New Year.
    Ali x

  3. Jill Spain (@JillSpain)

    A fantastic year and lots of fun too. Your wire jewellery is really lovely, very unique and so different – I am so impressed at how much you have achieved with it this year. I hope 2013 is another great year for you. Have fun.

  4. Natalie

    Wow! Well done for taking so many giant leaps this year! I’m sure 2013 is going to be a fantastic one for you and i really look forward to visiting you here on your blog and hearing all about it 🙂 x


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