Back to the twins

It seems that I cannot keep away! I love the versatility of them, I also love the shapes that they make, all-stars and flowers. Happily the weather was glorious when I started this and so I sat out in the garden. My idea of happiness.


You make a series of these and then join them together to make a bracelet… when I finish it properly. 😉

Twin bead diamond earrings

These are quick and easy to make. Forgive the turquoise and silver – colours that I always use.

Simple but effective?

Simple but effective?

Simple and easy – what’s not to like?

One final earring pattern using twins

I am sorry if I am over dosing you on twin bead patterns….just one more for today, I promise.

Another turquoise set of earrings :)

Another turquoise set of earrings 🙂

Add the shepherd hooks to the loop just made.

Three patterns, all using twin beads. I shall use something different next time, promise.

3 thoughts on “Back to the twins

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