Tag Archives: handmade

Love is in the air

I went to Spoilt Rotten Beads this weekend to pick up a lot of lovely goodies.  It  would appear that valentine’s day is very much on the agenda there. So I came home and had a go at some heart patterns with….yes, you have guessed it, twin beads.

This is my first attempt.

This is my first attempt.

Not quite right… so I had another try:

Much better if you ask me.

Much better if you ask me.

Should you wish to make this:

You now go back up the outside of the heart on each side.

As always, for more detailed instructions go to here.

Two more twin bead projects.

I have really got into beading with twin beads and have spent another happy weekend creating patterns. I love that there are cross overs with crochet e.g. you can work in rounds. I also like that it is truly creative. This was a stumbling block for me for a while but I am now really loving it. I am hungry to learn more.

Some of you will be aware that I have been writing a blog for my local bead shop, which is where all this jewellery making has come from. There is some cross over with this blog as I must have photographs on the web somewhere to get them onto that blog. With me not being very techie I have decided that I may as well make two posts from the same thing. In that way. Should you ever wish to have a go at any of the projects then I do tend to link all the bits straight up to the blog so that you can easily get hold of the necessary bits. Anyway, on to this weeks projects:

I call this my star burst pendant.

I call this my star burst pendant.

I envisage this hung on a simple chain or even a bit of wire which would have a bit more structure. Here is how I made it:

It now gets a bit tricky; if this is your first one then you go around again, adding 1 more twin in between each of the pair of twin beads from the round below and then fasten off. If you are wanting to join it onto another motif you:

Go around this little circle a few more times to strengthen it and then fasten off.

Tips: Don’t pull too tight as it will prevent the motifs from sitting flat.

IMG_0132My next one came about when I was trying to create a more oval shape rather than circular. I came up with these earrings.

I was also keen to include some bicones.

I was also keen to include some bicones.

Here is how I made them:

In order to add the ear hook go through one of the end bicones, add a twin bead and go through each of the holes of it, add a seed bead, a hook, a seed bead and another twin. Go around this circle a few more times to strengthen it. Fasten off the thread.

IMG_0142So there you have it. Two more makes to add to my list (my own designs too!)


Twin Bead Earrings

My latest make with twin beads came from here

These are them!

These are them!

I hope you like them. They were relatively easy to make although I pulled the second (the one on the left in this photo) one a bit tight so it doesn’t sit as nicely.

Go through all the seed beads down each side , adding a crystal into the gap between each motif. At the end come out of the first seed bead, add 3 more on and go back into the third seed bead. Go back down the other side.

Go through all the seed beads down each side , adding a crystal into the gap between each motif. At the end come out of the first seed bead, add 3 more on and go back into the third seed bead. Go back down the other side. Come out the first bead at the top, add-on 6 seed beads and go back into the last of the three seed beads. This is where you place your hook.

The finished earring.

The finished earring.

As it is made up of individual motifs it is repetitive and so not a lot of different techniques are used. Fancy giving them a go?

It is still Christmas?

Beaded StarI have really got in to this beading lark. I love what you can do with twin beads and have even had a go at making my own pattern up – more on that later. This lovely pattern is one I found via pinterest (which, thanks to claireabellemakes I am slowly getting the hang of). I have made a little alteration to the original but it is mostly the same. It may be a little bit Christmassy but in my house Christmas goes on until the end of January 6th! Here is a little montage of pictures to show you how I made them

Maybe I should make more of these, ready for next Christmas whilst I am still in the mood?

2013 – The best bits.

I always admire posts on blogs that show a round-up of the best bits at the end of each month. So that is what I have decided to do for this, my last post of 2013. It may take me some time but I am quite determined. I hope you will enjoy it:

I knew that it would bring back a lot of memories for me. I think that I had the most awesome 2013. I am so hoping that 2014 will be as amazing. I am already excited about a couple of things that are on the horizon so do stay tuned.

happy new year 2014Background image from here.

Crafting blues


Many would agree with me – Christmas is a very busy time of year, fun and enjoyable, but busy. This does not just apply to the actual day itself. When I began to feel all out of sorts yesterday I had to have a good long think:

1. Had I been spending time with my family? Yes.

2. Had I managed to do some running? Yes.

3. Was I really stressed? No.

So what was wrong? I gradually realised that I had not had any time for crafting. I have nothing on my hook, my needles or on my beading board. There was nothing that I could easily pick up and get on with in the odd five minutes. This is not good for me. I needed something that I could do that required little or no thinking. I had none.

So today I have:

1. Played the piano.

2. Made a novelty cake for my son’s birthday tomorrow.

3. Made two earrings.

4. Completed a park run with two of my children.

The world is now a better place 🙂

I hope that you have all fitted in your vital activities over the festive period.


  • Bead (jewelfusion.wordpress.com)

2 mice and a hat.

I realise that I have held you all in suspense for far too long….sorry about that. It was actually finished last week but you know how things take over?



...turned into this.

…turned into this, a hat for my wonderful husband.

He requested one, in grey and when I bought the magazine – Simply Crochet (issue 12) they had the perfect design right there. (The fact that it was designed by my lovely friend Joanne Scrace was just a happy accident.) It is crocheted in King Cole Riot Chunky which has this lovely self strip effect. It worked up really quickly. I hope he likes it!

A HUGE thank you to everyone who commented and left their words of wisdom on my post last week regarding my dilemma, I really, really, appreciate it. I have decided to go ahead and make them.

My initial thought was to crochet them as I always think that it is easier but I then got my head around knitting and decided this was the way forward. Once I had got my head around it they didn’t take that long at all.

Christmas 2013 018Once the features were added they really came together:

I have to say that they look so cute. I am really pleased with them.

I have to say that they look so cute. I am really pleased with them.

All I have to do is add little aprons to them using the fabric that she has given me. This HAS to happen tomorrow.

I am then on to the last few details before Christmas. (Wrapping presents etc) I would like to wish you all a very happy Christmas, filled with joy and happiness. xx


Christmas Earrings

It has probably not escaped your notice that we are racing towards Christmas at an alarming rate. It is the season of parties, plays and general busyness. Every year I see people wearing lovely Christmas earrings and brooches but am never organised myself. This year it is different. All thanks to Spoilt Rotten Beads that is. Not only that but my earrings are crystals, pure Swarovski. Not many people can claim that I know. 😉

Wire mesh 076

This is enough to make two pairs. It is all you need – 10 crystals per pair.

Wire mesh 078

These are the crystals close up – the traditional green trees.

Wire mesh 080

….and the clear crystal.

Wire mesh 081

You simply thread the crystals onto a head pin and attach to ear wires.

That is all there is to it. I have really enjoyed wearing these this year. There is still time to make a pair as a last-minute gift….they come as a kit. Looking on the website, I see that there are also snowmen. I may be popping over to the store tomorrow…..


A Handmade Dilhema


Handmade is important to me. I want to support handmade business’s. It is very tough to be successful as competition is fierce and it is hard to charge prices that actually reflect the time and skill that goes into the products. So what do I do when I am approached by a very good friend who asks me to make something a bit like…….?


My first instinct is to say yes of course, I can do it. I then realise that the item that she is asking for is for sale. My first thought is that I have been asked for two and they come in three’s. Also mine will not be anywhere as near as professional. My friend has her own touches that she wants to include and I honestly doubt that the original designer would be able to fulfill her request in the time left with the posting times.

But then I wonder how I would feel if someone did the same to me…. How would you feel? In the end I have decided to do it for my friend. It is a one-off, not to be repeated so I don’t feel as if I am really setting up in competition. I have to say that I have enjoyed the challenge of coming up with something to a brief. Of course writing about it on here may be a bit silly as I am publishing it but I am wondering what other people think about this issue? Would you have said no on principle or would you take the view that you are taking an idea and adapting it to your own specification? (After all isn’t that a lot about self designing? Taking something on and making it your own?)


Aiming For Super Mum.

This weekend has all been about my boys (isn’t it always?), part from the usual ferrying around that is. On Thursday we had a rather odd e-mail from the school (mid OFSTED I might add) along the lines that it was rumored that The Daleks were going to spoil Christmas at the school. In order to try to prevent this they should wear bow ties, a Fez and bring sonic screw drivers in on Monday. Hmm. I truly fear that the Head has lost it.


Dalek (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

This is a Dalek should you be unaware.

We do not have three bow ties in our house let alone 3 sonic screw drivers so I set to work straight away. I found a really cute pattern for a crochet bow here via Ravelry  (where else?) My eldest wanted black, ,my middle, yellow and my youngest multi-coloured (what else?)

The black one

The black one

The yellow one.

The multi coloured one. It is finished now but I took these photo’s when the sun was out!

In fact I have actually made 5 of these this weekend end as I made one each for my nieces too. 🙂

4 completed bow ties.

4 completed bow ties.

Then, this morning we made sonic screw drivers. The internet again came to my rescue in the form of Pinterest.

This is what we were sort of aiming for:


We found this brilliant tutorial using a pen, clay and a marble. Doable?

These are what we came up with.

These are what we came up with.

Unfortunately I forgot to buy the marbles when I was buying the supplies yesterday but I obviously have lots of beads around which I think worked out just fine. Making your own means you can add your own little details. One added buttons by adding extra beads along the side and the others got creative with their decorations.

Showing the marble end of the screw drivers.

Showing the marble end of the screw drivers.

We did have fun making these. I don’t think that this is bad for a weekends work considering we also had all the usual activities to do as well. I just hope they defeat the Dalek’s!